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May 11, 2016

021 - The Forever 3/12 Club

This week Fream joins a special club, Crandy and Damien review MagNets: Fully Charged, Tarragon delves into the TA leaderboards, and lots of other stuff as usual.

Show notes are available on

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Contact us on Twitter @zedtozed or email us at, we'd love to hear from you! Also check out the Zed to Zed Podcast Leaderboard on TrueAchievements and zzUrbanSpaceman's blog.

Opening/closing music: "Jive Bot" by Jake Kaufman from the game Mighty Switch Force! developed and published by WayForward Technologies

All audio production and podcast backend support provided by Tarragon Allen.


Brandon Fream aka "Freamwhole" - TrueAchievements - Xbox

Tarragon Allen aka "zzUrbanSpaceman" - TrueAchievements - Xbox

Randy aka "Crandy" - TrueAchievements - Xbox

Damien aka "Spazpol" - TrueAchievements - Xbox

0:00:00 - Intro

Fream’s Bike Accident

  • Learning how to ride a bike, Fream got a boo boo.

Crandy’s Canada Starbucks Mug

  • #suchahomer

Fream won $15 from NastyMastaDaddy

  • Cinco de mayo winnings
  • Fream purchased Geometry Wars

Facial la Fleur - Geometry Wars stuck at 3/12 forever club

Crandy - Still in school (no surprise there)

0:09:32 - Listener Feedback

Matt Quin - Dead Rising: Watchtower - looking forward to Endgame

  • Crandy may watch it instead of grinding Tomb Raider.

Decoy1982 - Thanks for the email, going thru the binge listening.

  • Alan Wake codes to give away

TheJoeDean - likes the idea of a community stream / group.  Twitch possibly?

  • Tarragon would have to go to work on the weekend :-(

TheTVirusTyrant - Resident Evil teaser this E3?

Decoy1982 - Life is Strange - ever seen the movie Butterfly Effect (the original one)

Montana97 - do you care about uneven GS?

ozBundyBoy - other gaming platforms

  • Brandon would own everything if money was no issue.
  • Smash brothers is awesome.
  • Tarragon owns them, but doesn’t use them because they lack achievements.
  • Randy would own them if money was no issue as well

Kursed Souls - When will Fream play Bioshock?

MattQuin - Tarragon’s game addiction update

Mighty Mango - Day One Consoles

SaucySlingo - Preview Program

Keith271179 - regarding Done Unlocking!

NBA Kirkland - Dark Souls DLC have no achievements

Mclovin Legend - Games to introduce to non-gamers

Jjaldana and ChiT0wnRedneck - E3


R46CooperS11 - COD: Spacefighting Bros

1:08:25 - News

Battlefield 1

Multi-Genres Feature on TA

X1 Game Management Update “Soon”

Mighty No. 9 gone gold - June 21st

Respawn working on a Star Wars game

Battleborn Weekly Balancing Tweaks?

Six new games added to Video Game Hall of Fame

1:30:28 - Recap

Leap Frog


  • Geometry Wars
  • Enslaved
  • The Escapists
  • Project Spark
  • Overwatch Beta


  • Project Spark
  • Elite Dangerous
  • Prize: Fruit Ninja Kinect code for the person to guess his 300k achievement


  • Wordament Snap Attack
  • Tomb Raider
  • Saints Row 2 DE
  • Dead Rising 2

1:44:15 - Feature: TA Leaderboard Movements Update

1:51:30 - Shovelware Cemetery

  • MagNets: Fully Charged

1:58:34 - Knobs and Discos

  • Alekhine’s Gun - Chameleon to remain unobtainable?
  • Screen Cheat - Sky Captain fixed

2:03:08 - Backwards Compatibility & Game Delays

2:04:56 - Giveaway

2:05:30 - Zombie News

2:08:28 - Outro


Glossary of Xbox Gamerscore and achievement jargon and terms: