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Jan 6, 2016

003 - Looking Back and Forward, Rants and Boot Camp Laserlife

Show notes are available on

We look back at the 2015 and discuss what's coming in 2016, introduce the Gamerscore Boot Camp segment with Laserlife, find more Knobs and Discos, news, zombies, and more.

Please give us a rating or review in your favourite podcast application, it will really help us spread the word and make the show a success!

Contact us on Twitter @zedtozed or email us at, we'd love to hear from you! Also check out the Zed to Zed Podcast Leaderboard on True Achievements.

Opening/closing music: "Jive Bot" by Jake Kaufman from the game Mighty Switch Force! developed and published by WayForward Technologies.

Gamerscore Boot Camp music: "Tally Screen" by Jake Kaufman from the game Mighty Switch Force! developed and published by WayForward Technologies.

All audio production and podcast backend support provided by Tarragon Allen.


Brandon Fream aka "Freamwhole" - TrueAchievements - Xbox

Tarragon Allen aka "zzUrbanSpaceman" - TrueAchievements - Xbox

Randy aka "Crandy" - TrueAchievements - Xbox


0:00:00 - Intro

0:01:12 - Achievement Sponsor

0:02:34 - Recap

0:34:11 - News

0:55:11 - Talking Zeds: Looking Back

2:01:14 - Talking Zeds: Looking Forward

2:33:07 - Gamerscore Boot Camp

2:35:09 - Knobs and Discos (unobtainables and discontinued achievements)

2:37:28 - Zombie Corner

2:40:52 - Outro



  • 1K - Complete the base gamerscore in a game, typically 1000 points, thus 1K. Sometimes used to refer to a completion in general.
  • Bean Dive - Annual challenge on aiming to earn at least one achievement in every game in your backlog, coined by it's creator, Beanpotter. The "dive" refers to the loss of completion percentage as a result of starting many new games.
  • Boosting - Using gameplay mechanics specifically to unlock achievements. Generally refers to the act of setting up multiplayer matches in particular ways to perform achievement criteria without interruption from regular players. Working towards achievements in lieu of regular gameplay.
  • Discos - Discontinued achievements - achievements that are no longer unlockable, probably due to online server shutdowns
  • Gamerscore League (GSL) - An annual gamerscore competition hosted on
  • Great Random To Do List Challenge - A contest run by Facial La Fleur on the community forums
  • GTASC - The Great True Achievement Score Challenge, a year-long, weekly elimination contest run by planting42 on
  • Knobs - Unobtainable achievements - achievements that have never been unlockable
  • NTSC - See NTSC-U
  • NTSC-J - One of the three regional variants of Xbox 360 consoles. Games can be locked so they only play on specific region consoles. Also see NTSC-U and PAL.
  • NTSC-U - One of the three regional variants of Xbox 360 consoles. Games can be locked so they only play on specific region consoles. Also see NTSC-J and PAL.
  • PAL - One of the three regional variants of Xbox 360 consoles. Games can be locked so they only play on specific region consoles. Also see NTSC-J and NTSC-U.
  • Potentially Endless Bean Dive - A contest created on the community forums that requires starting a new game every day. Began on the 28th of February 2013, and still going.
  • Preloading - The act of working on the criteria for an achievement until it's almost unlocked, and saving it for a later time, usually for competitions.
  • Ratio - Generally refers to the rarity of an achievement as determined by numbers of players of a game vs number who've unlocked the achievement. A statistic calculated on the website.
  • Stack - Sometimes a game is released in multiple versions, for example in different regions or on different platforms, and in these cases they can have an entirely independent achievement list. To "stack" a game describes earning the achievements on more than one version of what is, in gameplay terms, the same game. Examples: Batman: Arkham Asylum and Bioshock
  • TA - True Achievements, either the score type or the website